Sunday, May 13, 2012

varsity dialogues

it's like the old lady with the lamp. feeding margarine to the sun. brushing hair on moonless nights. she had a desire once. to melt her gold. to end her love. to play with bodies. of apothecaries and the rain man. the pantaloon of hurricanes she bought from the mountains. are buried in a mold of virgin platinum. that was the end of her moon cycles. her blood had dried. swapping bodies and candles. of arthritis. and politics of the vulva. her vulva is the food for volcanoes. and the fish of genetic produce. the organic revolution plays flautist malleability with her sexual identity. like sodium drops ripping through the church of ice. it is cold and warm. molten and crusted. she is he. the new he is she. swapping nails. dribbling saliva like a mannequin dog. the new cult of mannequins. in a circle of civilized anxiety. this new cult is a start. the swap and skin. she molted life. she molted dreams. and her violent menopause. her flashes of crystal urine and carnal palpitations. ring serenades to the tempest. she is he. the shadows are green. welcome to the pasture of halogen lamps.

at the end of winds. the sunday of next. i will wear a gown. tradition of academics. the somber garments. the ornaments of metaphors. this cult of chains. there is a slowed gait. look at me. as i shake my head. and pose for the film. look at me. oh what a display of citizenry. hand in hand. families and little hair pins. strewn across the ball rooms. there is an end. and this is the end. to varsity monologues. this is the end to varsity. step two. the reality of choruses. on manhattan streets. and the display of dizzy fruit sellers. selling poison and drugs to the new born in the river. the river that floats. who floats on earth? and sways in the river? the chords from fifty seven tides.

the play of bodies in manhattan streets. is a spectacle of fulfilled lust. lust for a viola lip. and toe limbs and harlequin melodies. the romance of fools and book shelves. the tyranny of the philosopher's sheltered testicles. he left the birth of the virgin in the shack across the rainbow tongues. fooling himself; this is the kingdom of rhinestones.

1 comment:

Aruni RC said...

the usual flicker of barely-comprehensible yet arresting imagery. end to varsity monologues though?