Friday, November 30, 2012

symbolism of the pink-head

the magnolia freemasons. baking heads. faking identities. of the transvestite super-human. the travesty of the magnificent. drunk and horny. you twiddle your blood thumb. smoking gin. disintegrating into the music of the behemoth. hands and palms. open to grasp the lace of the genital hide-and-seek. the gay husband cries to the whores of crystalline sandcastles. the buzz of the violin nipples whirring and caressing silk doves of the narrow catechism mythology. your shaven hair fringe buzzing and swirling in the applications of the promiscuous. like prometheus? oh god of greeks and the psychedelic surrealists. pause and scream and howl. in the orgasm of the inebriate methadone pearl-jiggle. this cipher of the spread. the thighs of fig. the symbolism of the pink-head. you hold the head of those paper lions. a thermodynamic. a melancholy role-play of the sexual. the flower duet of the lakme. you opera film. you nurse the wax paper canvas of the falling dali-scape. the picasso surreal. the vanishing vapor of the real and unreal and co-real. the corporal and the carnal of the matrimony, you desire. man on sleep. woman on drugs. the para-film cross-boundary chasm. sing and hold and slip and slide. undress like the passion fairy principle. un-role and disappear on the identity trove of your fakeness, baldness and nuisance of careening emotionality. rip out the slave-dove cover hue. pitch and hit and slam and drill into your brain-cover emotion. what the hell did you do again?  

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