Wednesday, February 13, 2013

life of a pill

 the progeny of mechanics and chemical charades, a pill - its potentiality preserved in the craft of invisible bonds and inexplicable origins. trait of the analgesic, or the psychotropic, or the diuretic, lies in the arrangement of rings and chains; a bouquet of the poly-atoms. a cherry-picked design from the plethora of smells and the color palette, aim to appease a demand of escalating look-ist consumerism.
there exists a disequilibrium of therapeutics and hazard, to the body that is mottled with disease and uncanny disabilities.navigating through the labyrinth of vasculature and the pulsation of blood rhymes, to the hinged receptacles, perched and embedded in a shimmering mosaic, the voice of a pill
creaks in dissolve; to diffuse and suffuse within the strict bottleneck of anatomical architecture. in fierce competition with the natural agents; this is the travelogue of the quasi-natural pill, careening from tongues to the nano-havens of genomic machinations, peeking and prodding in aimed wander-swirls, lulling and swooshing across and into the topology of the body, morphing states in seductive tease to bare the bones of its chemical construction, hissing in activity; biting and chewing an infection source, a roily metastasis, a perplexing ache, with an aim to relieve, to re-live, to amend and mitigate, a broken body of sorts.

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