Saturday, May 29, 2010

cambridge, ma

i kinda felt home-sick last night. and so i left the room early last night. and called up A. and spoke to him for a very very long time. and it felt so good. we laughed at many of our old jokes; ones that used to desperately crack me up in school. Especially, the crusade against It's and M. you know what i'm talking about right, A? ; )

managed to go to Harvard's campus today with B. it was simply great. i was looking at their commencement pictures last night and it made me cry so bad. i don't even know why. yes, i'm probably a wuss. but i think every time i think about the school, it makes me want to go there. more and more, everyday. anyway, it was a great trip. we saw john harvard's statue; the divinity school, some of the libraries, the peabody museum and some other stuff. the churches are awesome. old, really old.

other than that today, watched letters to juliet. it was kinda lame. also the chicago uno herbed chicken was disgusting.
oh i also realized that i am drinking too much coffee lately. time for some caffeine control. and yes, i strongly believe that decaf coffee is NOT legit! and no arguments there!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

day 1

may 20th.

done with finals. yet it doesn't feel like school's over. it's weird, i know.
i'm looking forward to this summer a lot. all the surgery and all the other professional work i'm supposed to be doing. seems kinda professional - well i know it's professional. but it's still interesting. and exciting. and a little nerve-wracking.

this is something i decided recently. i want to work with depauw's dining services and make sure people eat healthier food. my goal is not to urge the ban of any food items or dishes per se, but we're going to try and get healthier ingredients! because all that asian delicacy of chow mein and golden chicken has waaay too much sodium per serving than is necessary for a day. also, we're going to try and cut down on things that have trans fats. that's definitely not something you'd want to have on a regular basis if you want to save your heart even five years down the line.
spoke to steve about all this. i'm going to try and work with the harvard sustainability this summer and adopt some of their initiatives. some of their policies are already being implemented on campus. like we do have cage-free eggs and 95% of our coffee is free trade.
this goes to say that my point is not to re-model our dining services "according" to harvard's. i looked at their sustainability initiative and it just looks very feasible and doable. so it's not trying to be like them, but just implementing a model that looks healthy and will benefit campus!

plans for today: probably watch a movie with B, and lounge around. spoke to P yesterday regarding writing a review paper for research. plan is to get it done and sent for review by the end of the summer. but as for today, it's going to be lazy. and i, for one, am thoroughly excited!