Thursday, June 10, 2010

lost in charles

i've been constantly thinking about the little boy i saw at the train station yesterday. he was probably fourteen or fifteen years of age. smooth auburn hair brushed neatly back. uncanny palor on his face. wheeling his father around on the wheelchair. and midst of the confusion of the train station he looked so lost. i could tell a bare frustration on his face. his father was trying to keep the pace and distract. but he smiled when i looked at him. i smiled back. calmly yet awkwardly. i wanted to say. is there anything i can do? but i didn't. i just smiled. and waved a cheerful goodbye/hello: i'm not sure which one it was supposed to mean.

but since then, i have a strange tingling sensation in my brain. i hope it goes away soon. i know it's not a feeling of guilt. it's a little discomforting.

hospital's going well. i'm learning each day. little by little. slowly yet surely.

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