and there you were. burnt by the sunlight and the smell of solitude. i swear in my name, i have missed you with my soul. so these are my words for you.
i love you.
and i spoke to that sheet of emptiness. those charcoal bricks, stacked up since the war. the great war where we dropped a peel of sweat.
Je sens sous tes lèvres, une odeur de fièvre, de gosse mal nourrie, et sous ta caresse, je sens une ivresse, qui m'anéantit. (I smell on your lips, a scent of fever, of an underfed kid, and under your caress, I feel a drunkeness, that kills me).
i love you.
and i spoke to that sheet of emptiness. those charcoal bricks, stacked up since the war. the great war where we dropped a peel of sweat.
Je sens sous tes lèvres, une odeur de fièvre, de gosse mal nourrie, et sous ta caresse, je sens une ivresse, qui m'anéantit. (I smell on your lips, a scent of fever, of an underfed kid, and under your caress, I feel a drunkeness, that kills me).