Tuesday, September 18, 2012


sweet mustard rain. i smell your heel. you trill and frill. on saturday frocks. and the coquette dance of petals.

the dresser of heads. your finger prick. and garlic breath. picket and deal. the song to heal. the lioness of maladies.

reaper dove. unfurl your curl. and swing your arms. riot or dance. riot and dance. to the cause of cross.

cross of wombs. cross of shells. cross of the lust of taper vapor. twiddling thumbs on matisse. epoch and knock. hey beer beard. your belly swell. you died of death.

lover on the troll. park your car. and glaze the globe. with methadone drug. drug of poison. you said, right? the honey of apartheid befell.

periwinkle crown. fashion your breast. with the local gin. with poetry of sand. and verses of ice. fragile in crumbs. molten in wax. your temporariness remains.

chaser queen. do you not wear? or cry of disappointment. of an esoteric dream. humanity and man-ity. what man came? and whipped your ass. whipped your flesh. realize. there are wild takers.

party man. you read the times. check the clock. tick tick pock. and stop when you bloom. release the wings. of butterfly stains. nimble soft.

learn to cry. release the pain. in front of man. in front of front. behind they lay. on your bed and on your palm. drop of drops. flood the floor. stain the world. your loss is pain. express your hurt. your fear of lone. alone and drink. power of the brittle stars. finger lust. on dandelions. on battle grounds of dream machines. churn the sole of scarlet boombox playing wind songs from the ocean. ocean blues and bluegrass lemon. sour and caustic. the life we dive. vortex pricks. climb the wall of rings.

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