Monday, May 9, 2016


Fever broke yesterday
like an eggshell.
A crack, at first
Then a slow diffusion
into every corner
of my body's cage.
On my cheeks,
the color of cherries -
Webs have formed,
of torn arteries.  
My blood,
feels atmospheric
like a hot summer evening.   
I feel a collusion of fists, as if;
My mind is clasped.
My head, an album of
quick percussions -
Warm blood
knocking on my temple. 
Nausea replaced
my morning's calling.
Smiles have dissolved
under the horizon of lips.
My mind is a scatter, of
thoughts as light as wood chips.
Fluffy and volatile.
I hold my head
in my palms,
as Pain twiddles my brain,
in orbit, like
planets we made of onion rings.
A lemon drink
slithers down my throat.
The aroma of ginger tea
tickles my skull.
I sit in the Palumbo garden
on 13th street,
and watch butterflies play in the sun,
purple shamrocks wilt in thirst,
zinnias stretch out their dainty arms.

Auctions me out.

Shortly, I walk home to sleep.

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