Sunday, January 17, 2010

an eastside sunday

in the rain, umbrella-less, i walked out of spring street. a bag of chanel dangling on my wrist. and when i passed those stupid fools, they smiled at me. what hypocrisy. this bloody world. and without the name, they'd shrug in shame. and in a grin of cold ignorance.

at saint patrick's today. i lit a flame. in your name, little judah. your mother is my life. sleep well, dear love. for when you went away, she bellowed in pain. in shame and a velvet melancholy. for the months you drank her milk, i hope you smiled. in this tortuous world. full of loops and turns.

and in the arch of thomas, i shed a tear. as the boys sang a hymn. praising god -what purity hemmed their tones. in belief and otherwise, i remembered you. once again, the love for granted. and once i leave, you'll knit your soul. i know it.

i like your flesh

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